Home Crime Police Arrests Two Eve Teasers In Srinagar

Police Arrests Two Eve Teasers In Srinagar

Police Arrests Two Eve Teasers In Srinagar

Srinagar police on Tuesday said it arrested two eve teasers in the district besides that vehicle was also seized.

Police in a tweet said that two eve teasers namely saif Ullah S/o Shameem khushu & Rakib Hafiz S/o Ajaz Hafiz  both Residents of Natipora were detained/bound down under sections of CrPC.

He said that vehicle also seized after  some girls anonymously reported them passing lewd comments traveling in this car on Bemina-Batmaloo road.

“Two eve teasers namely saif Ullah S/o Shameem khushu & Rakib Hafiz S/o Ajaz Hafiz  both Residents of Natipora detained/bound down under sections of CrPC, Vehicle also seized. Some girls anonymously reported them passing lewd comments traveling in this car on Bemina-Batmaloo road.” Srinagar police tweeted.


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