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Leopard Captured Alive In Baramulla Village

Leopard Captured Alive In Baramulla Village
Leopard Captured Alive In Baramulla Village



Wildlife department with the assistance of Jammu and Kashmir police on Thursday captured a leopard alive from Narwaw area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.


An official from the wildlife department told that department with the assistance of J&K police captured a leopard from Kalayban Narwaw village of Sheeri in Baramulla after receiving a call from the area.


He said that the leopard was roaming in the residential areas, posing a threat to the lives of people and their livestock. However, soon after the information was received, the leopard was captured alive without causing any damage or injury.


The official also said that the leopard will be taken to a safe location and will be set free.


#Leopard #Rescue #Baramulla #Wildlife #Kashmir #news


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