Home Asia Drug Paddlers Booked Under PSA in Sopore, Police

Drug Paddlers Booked Under PSA in Sopore, Police

Drug Paddlers Booked Under PSA in Sopore, Police

Acting tough against drug abuse and to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, Sopore Police Thursday said that it has booked four notorious drug peddlers under NDPS Act after obtaining formal detention orders from the competent Authority.

The detained persons were identified as Aadil Sultan Malla, S/O: Muhammad Sultan Malla, R/O: Sheikh Sahib Chinkipora Sopore; Aadil Ashraf Khan, S/O: Muhammad Ashraf Khan, R/O: Pethseer Sopore; Suhail Ahmad Ganie, S/O: Abdul Khaliq Ganie, R/O: Model Town Sopore and Bilal Ahmad Ganie, S/O: Ghulam Ahmad Ganie, R/O: Hathishah Sopore.

“The booked drug peddlers have been lodged in Kot-Balwal Jail Jammu,” Sopore Police said.
“Pertinent to mention that the above accused persons were involved in NDPS cases and were promoting drug abuse trade by supplying drugs to local youth of Police district Sopore.”
In addition to above four PSA detinues, the police said, more than half a dozen accused persons were booked under PSA, and total number of 50 NDPS cases has been registered since January 2022.
“General public of Sopore appreciated the role of Sopore Police for their action against drug peddlers,” Police said.
“Sopore Police consistent actions against the drug peddlers should reassure the community members that Sopore police making efforts to keep our society free from drug abuse.”



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