Home Conflict Hindus File Seven Petitions Against Places Of Worship Act In SC

Hindus File Seven Petitions Against Places Of Worship Act In SC

Hindus File Seven Petitions Against Places Of Worship Act In SC
Hindus File Seven Petitions Against Places Of Worship Act In SC

Seven petitions have been filed in the Supreme Court against the Places of Worship (Special Provision) 1991 Act by members of the Hindu community who want to convert several mosques across the country into temples.

According to Muslim Mirror, the latest petition was filed by Devkinandan Thakur, a Hindu priest from Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura.
The law forbids converting the character of any place of worship – except the Babri Masjid – as it existed on 15 August 194. As a result; places of worship such as Gyanvapi Mosque and Shahi Edgah are legally protected.

According to the report, Hindu groups are campaigning for the conversion of the aforementioned mosques as well as other monumental sites such as Jamia Masjid and the Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid inside the Qutub complex into temples. As a result, they want the Supreme Court to declare the law invalid.


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