Home Asia Upcoming Amarnath Yatra To Be Broadcasted Pan India

Upcoming Amarnath Yatra To Be Broadcasted Pan India

Upcoming Amarnath Yatra To Be Broadcasted Pan India
Upcoming Amarnath Yatra To Be Broadcasted Pan India

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to broadcast the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage from the process of registration to its commencement. Alongside publicity of the scope of the tourism activities in the region will also be done.

The 43-day yatra is going to start on 30th June 2022. This year the flow of pilgrims is expected to double. Preparations have been enhanced and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags will be used this year to keep a track of the location of the pilgrims.

The information was provided in a meeting in Srinagar chaired by Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, Apurva Chandra.


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