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Friday, March 28, 2025

About Us

We share the title with the two historic events — The Indus Water Civilisation and The Indus Water Treaty. But hang on! That doesn’t make us some ancient or diplomatic media.

We strongly believe, that as the flow of water is the raison d’être behind the twin Indus events, likewise the flow of news is what made us to advance our front in times when everyone with a Facebook page is both newsmaker as well as newsmen in town.

Without sounding to take a moral high ground, let us affirm that we are here to do journalism as per the basics taught in media schools, with the inclusion of the evolved practices by the best newsrooms across the world.

We started as monthly magazine carrying longform pieces, ground reportage and interviews. After faring online, we have made valuable additions in the form of daily updates, multimedia packages, essays, analyses, book reviews, and short stories.

The aim is to portray the true picture of the region in front of the world without masking it with filters that have come to dominate the media mill in recent times.

Don’t denounce us as some adrenaline-driven news junkies, or some media outlaws. We are simply scribes, at task, to show you the newsy development and different shades of life in Kashmir Valley, in the best and professional manner.

We believe that in our times of the peddled mediocrity, storytelling has to be on a different range and scale to create a real impact. That’s why The Indus Post as a news magazine is an initiative to tell the story, as it is.

But without seen as some ‘torchbearers’, we would like to state that we are here to play according to the rule book, which most of them now openly flout for “breaking” news—or whatever that is!

To give readers a distinctive viewpoint on politics, society, culture and environment, we acknowledge good writing and original thought.

In times of vocal and dominant quackery, we believe that it’s itself a challenge to keep peoples’ faith alive in journalism.

Think of us; think of The Indus Post, if you’re a passionate media student, struggling media pass-out or professional journalist. We love to grow with our tribe.