Nature Lovers Discover Seven More Fossil Sites In South Kashmir

Nature Lovers Discover Seven More Fossil Sites In South Kashmir
Nature Lovers Discover Seven More Fossil Sites In South Kashmir

Achabal, Dec 04: Discovery of fossils gain momentum as 07 more fossil sites have been discovered at various locations in South Kashmir after the discovery of a gigantic fossil site by two nature lovers, namely Manzoor Javaid and Dr. Rouf Hamza at Aharbal, South Kashmir.

One of the sites was discovered at Dadrein area of Damhall Hanjipora on September 19 by  a team of nature lovers, who include Mohammad Yousuf Ganie and Parvaiz Sajjad.

According to Dr. Rouf, the site got recognised due the construction of a link road to Dadrein Village.

He said that while scouting for fossil samples on 16 September they came across a site at HaalKhah-Tsuntihal junction in Chittergull area, which is rich in plant fossils diversity and petrified wood, where they found several bark imprints. The whole area is a Petrified Wood Forest which could be millions of years old. The site is located at a distance of about 30 Kilometers from Anantnag town and is probably the first site where petrified wood has been reported in such a huge quantity. Abdul Aleem Wani, a local teacher was accompanying the team while the discovery was made.

Another site having rich Ichnofossils of varied types, Brachiopods, Bivalves, Pisolites, Stromatolites, Piddock borings and other unidentified fossils was discovered by the duo on 31 September above the stone quarries in Achabal Forest area.

He said that when they moved towards Zaji Marg, similar fossils were found and Zajimarg seems to be a rich repository of some rare fossils.

During their visit to the adjacent Nagwan area of Dadrein Village, they noticed the ancient broken terracotta pottery frequently visible near the shrine of Hazrat Mir Syed Ali Simnani, which is an indicates the archaeological importance of this site which according to the locals, was an ancient human settlement.

Dr. Rouf further said that on a nature study camp conducted for the students of government higher secondary school Dethu at Chattapal on 25 August, a number of fossils were seen which include Brachiopods, Bivalves, Piddock Rock borings, a bone of some unknown animal, Stromatolites, Fossilized waves on rocks, plant fossils etc.

He said that in addition to this, several fossil specimens of Arthropods, Ichnofossils specimen, worm castings, bivalves etc. were seen in the Achabal Wildlife Sanctuary near Mughal Garden. This site was discovered on 30 August, when Floriculture Officer, Asif Ahmad Itoo was accompanying the team as well.

They have also found a rich and interesting site of great geological importance with exquisite geological formations and remnants of volcanic activity in Dethu area of Shangus on 18 October. “The site is replete with hundreds of fossil remains of diverse nature which got exposed due to weathering, quarrying activity and subsequent erosion” said Dr. Rouf.

Subsequently, press briefing was held at Achabal, Chhatapal and Deethu, where team leader, Manzoor Javaid said that the exploratory work will continue with same zeal not only for fossil study but in other fields of science and technology. He said that about 10 Nature Walk-Fossil Talk programs have been conducted for the students of various districts of North and South Kashmir.

Dr. Rouf Hamza, on the occasion said that the department of Geology, Universities, the Department of Education, Tourism Department and other concerned agencies must work collaboratively to bring Kashmir on Geo-tourism map of the world. He said that a superficial observation of these sites reveals that hundreds of fossils are visible at these sites without any need for excavation.