Delayed Justice: 9 Years Later 7 Accused Convicted

9 Years After, 7 Accused Convicted
9 Years After, 7 Accused Convicted

Bandipora, Nov 26: The court of Principal District and Sessions judge Bandipora convicted has convicted seven accused persons in a murder case of a labor, Nigar Ahmad Dar son of Sadiq Dar of Laharwalpora, after nine years of commission of crime.

Main accused, Ghulam Hassan Dar son of Habibullah Dar of Laharwalpora Bandipora has been sentenced to 9 years of imprisonment, under Section 304-11 RPC with a fine of Rs 1.5 lac, however in case of default the accused shall undergo further 10 years of imprisonment.

The other convicted persons, Noor Mohammad Shangloo son of Ghulam Shangloo, Saleem Dar son of Mehraj Din Dar, Altaf Dar son of Ahad Dar, Noor Mohammad Dar son of Ramzan Dar, Noor Mohammad Dar son of Samad Dar and Jan Mohammad Dar son of Ramzam Dar, all residents of Chringpora Bandipora, under Section 147 RPC have been sentenced to three years of imprisonment.

The court further stated that the period of imprisonment undergone by the convicted during trial of the case shall be set off against the sentence imposed. The convicted have been in custody during investigation since October 2012 and have therefore served the sentence, therefore they are to be released. The main accused has been in custody for 8 years, 10 months and 16 days, dating from November 02, 2012 with a 2 month bail period. The court said that the period served in imprisonment to be set off against the sentence imposed.

The case dates back to October 2012, when Nigar Ahmad Dar was hit on his head by main accused, Ghulam Hassan Dar following a fight between two groups over extraction of sand from river bed near Haribatho-top.